6 Energy Saving Tips for Your Home


Many people think the only way to save energy is to keep the lights off and run the air conditioner or heater only when absolutely necessary. However, there are much easier ways to reduce your energy bills and increase your home's energy efficiency.

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Follow these tips to save energy and money!

1. Only Wash Clothes and Dishes with a Full Load

Running your dishwasher and washing machine when they are only partially full wastes water and will result in higher utility bills. It is best to run these machines only when you have a full load. This way, you can save money and avoid wasting water each month.

2. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats that are certified by Energy Star® can result in lower heating and cooling costs each month. These thermostats can be controlled remotely and will keep your home comfortable while using the least amount of energy possible all year round.

3. Turn Off Electronics When Not in Use

You can plug your laptop, cell phone charger, and other small devices into a power strip and turn them all off with one click of a button. This way, you don't have to remember to turn off each individual device, and you can ensure they are not wasting energy when you are gone.

4. Swap Old Bulbs for CFL and LED Blubs

Since lighting accounts for 10-25% of the average home's energy bill, it is important to have efficient lighting systems installed.

Compact fluorescent lights (CFL) and LED lights are more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs. In fact, it is estimated that CFL lights use 50-80% less energy than incandescent lights, and they last up to 10 times longer. LED lights also save a lot of energy.

5. Use Ceiling Fans to Cool Down

Ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise in summer to create a windchill effect. Using a fan can make you feel up to eight degrees cooler!

Installing a ceiling fan in your bedroom, living room, and dining room can keep you cool without having to run the air conditioner — saving money each month. However, it is important to remember to turn it off when you leave the room, as the windchill effect only works when you're in the room with the fan.

6. Schedule Regular Electrical System Inspections

Faulty wiring, improperly installed appliances, and other electrical hazards create a safety risk and also decrease the energy efficiency of your home. It is important to have professional electricians inspect and repair your electrical system on a regular basis to ensure all the components are functioning properly.

At Lightning Bug Electric, we are passionate about helping customers be more energy-efficient. If you want to install a smart thermostat or a ceiling fan in your home, our Marietta electricians will get the job done right the first time. Your satisfaction is our priority. We will work diligently to meet your needs and will leave your home neat and tidy after we are finished.

Contact our office today at (404) 471-3847 to schedule a service!

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