Planning Your DIY Electrical Project

Planning Your DIY Electrical Project

To DIY or Not to DIY; That Is the Question

Many homeowners enjoy DIY projects. After completing a home repair or upgrade, you get a sense of accomplishment and pride. Even when you are just repairing a leak or finally replacing the lightbulbs in the chandelier over the dining table, there is something special about working with your hands and solving a problem.

However, if you embark upon a larger project involving your electrical system, you may want to pause. Before beginning an electrical DIY project, you should consider if you are prepared to do the work or if you would be better off working with a professional electrician.

Your electrical system is not only one of the most complicated systems in your home, but it also poses significant safety risks. In addition to the risk of electrical shock, you also have to be careful that you don't cause an electrical fire. Furthermore, any work you do needs to be up to code and safe.

Things to consider before starting a DIY electrical project:

  • How familiar are you with local and national electrical codes?
  • Have you worked on an electrical system before?
  • How much electrical knowledge do you have?
  • Do you have the appropriate tools and safety gear?
  • Are you getting your instructional information from a reliable, trustworthy source?
  • Do you know what to do if you run into problems?

If you are at all uncomfortable working with electricity or are unsure about your capabilities when it comes to working on your electrical system, you should call an electrician and not attempt the DIY project.

Getting Started

Before you start working on your project, you want to ensure that you have all the appropriate tools and materials needed for the task at hand. Furthermore, go through your toolbox and make sure the tools you need are clean and in good working order. Working with faulty tools can not only slow your project down but can put you at risk.

Review our blog to learn about five tools you need to have for a DIY electrical fix.

You should also consult with an experienced electrician before you begin work. Even if you plan to do the work yourself, you should hire an electrician to perform an inspection of your electrical system. During your inspection, you can discuss your plans with your electrician and get their perspective. At Lightning Bug Electric, safety is our number one priority. We always give our honest opinion, and if we think you should work with an electrician instead of attempting the project yourself, we will tell you and explain why.

When to Call an Electrician for Your DIY Electrical Project

For smaller projects, an experienced homeowner can likely handle things on their own, such as minor repairs or a "like for like" replacement of outlets or switches. But, if you have a more complicated project, you are better off calling in a professional electrician like ours at Lightning Bug Electric.

Projects you should always call an electrician for include:

You should also work with a licensed, experienced electrician on any projects that involve replacing or running new wiring. Not only is replacing wiring a complicated task, but if done incorrectly, you could suffer from a dangerous electrical shock or leave your home vulnerable to electrical fires.

Do I Need an Electrician to Install a Ceiling Fan?

Though some homeowners are up to the task of installing a ceiling fan on their own, it is recommended that you work with an experienced electrician. Ceiling fan installations involve both wiring and switches. Additionally, ceiling fans can be heavy and difficult to work with. Our electricians install ceiling fans all the time – not only do we know how to run new wiring and can ensure that your ceiling fan is connected to the right switches, but we can also ensure that the fan is installed safely and correctly.

Do you need help with a DIY project? Send a message to the electricians at Lightning Bug Electric. We can help you get your project going today.
