Everything You Need to Know About Pool Lighting


Having a pool in your backyard adds a touch of luxury and beauty to your home. But what really takes the experience up a notch is having the right lighting for it. Not only does proper lighting make your pool look amazing, but it also provides you with additional safety when nighttime swimming comes around.

When selecting lights for your pool, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and there are several factors that need to be considered before beginning installation. In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about selecting the perfect pool lights so that you can enjoy an illuminated oasis in the comfort of your own backyard!

How Do You Know What Type of Pool Lights to Get?

Whether you are looking for subtle accent lighting or vibrant party lights, there are several different types of pool lighting that can help bring your vision to life.

Types of lights include:

  • Underwater LED
  • Underwater Halogen
  • Underwater Incandescent
  • Feature Spotlights
  • Floating Globes
  • Fiberoptics
  • Solar-Powered

Each type of pool light has its own unique benefits and features, so working with an experienced electrician can help you narrow down your choices. A licensed technician will walk you through color options, brightness, and whether or not you would like your lights flush-mounted or surface-mounted.

When making your choice, don’t forget to consider:

  1. The size of your pool
  2. Your desired illumination level
  3. The color of your pool’s finish
  4. How much maintenance you’re willing to do
  5. Whether or not you’d like smart-technology integration

Can You Just Use “Regular” Bulbs?

When considering adding lights to water, safety should be the top priority. This means that choosing lights that have been specifically tested for water conditions are more likely to give you the safest and most reliable results.

Can You Leave Your Pool Light on All the Time?

While some lights are more energy efficient than others, it is never recommended to keep them turned on all day every day, as it can drastically affect your lights’ longevity. Having your pool lights attached to a timer for consistent night-time use can be a great way for you to avoid overuse.

How Much Electricity Do Pool Lights Use?

The amount of watts a light uses depends on the type and size of light, with LEDs being the industry standard in energy efficiency. While a few watts here and there might not seem like a big deal, the difference between a 500-watt bulb and a 35-watt bulb can be over $6 in energy costs every week.

Another factor when talking about energy consumption—as well as safety—is the wiring and housing associated with the lights. That is why it’s important to use a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) and have your lights regularly inspected and maintained by a professional.

At Lightning Bug Electric, we make it easier than ever to get the right pool and spa lighting for your unique needs. From selecting the right type of lights through to installation and maintenance, our Marietta team has you covered.

To schedule a consultation regarding your pool and spa lighting, call us at (404) 471-3847 or reach out online today!