Your Early Shopper’s Guide to the Best Electrical Gifts for 2020

The holidays are upon us once again, and that means it’s only a matter of time before holiday shopping swings into full motion. While this year’s shopping season will likely be quite a bit different due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that doesn’t mean it will slow down. If you’re looking for the perfect gift, but have someone on your list you simply can’t figure out, there are a number of things that might be perfect for them, depending on what they’re into or their personality. If you’re struggling for ideas, this blog is perfect for you—here are some electrical-themed holiday gift ideas that are perfect for a number of different types of people.

For the Homemaker

Homemakers have one of the toughest jobs out there, and that’s why they always appreciate something that can make their lives a little bit easier. Whether it’s something that takes care of a relatively routine task or something that helps them stay organized, having an efficient home is extremely important. And it may be even more important now than ever before, as kids are spending more time at home with the world still consumed by a global pandemic.

While there are a ton of options out there right now, one thing we have seen that both men and women homemakers alike have all been wowed by are smart appliances. Smart appliances take a lot of the guesswork and tricky timing out of cooking. These appliances use sophisticated computers and arrays of sensors to accurately make adjustments based on what you’re looking for and what you’re trying to cook. Likewise, these systems can be integrated into smart home networks, and their Wi-Fi connectivity means they can often be synced with smartphones and tablets for precise control from anywhere in the house. Need to know if that dessert you’re baking is almost done? A smart appliance can tell you exactly how much longer it needs to bake for, and even save you energy while doing so!

For the Tech-Lover

Tech lovers are all about having the latest and greatest gadgets and seeing how this new technology can change their life for the better. For these people, we always recommend some sort of a hot new device that adds some sort of flexibility. Specifically, we recommend home automation technology, as it gives you the ability to sync your devices in ways you may have never thought possible before.

A smart assistant speaker, such as Google Home or Amazon Alexa, functions as both a hub that all of your other devices can communicate through, and acts as a controller itself. With a smart speaker, using nothing more than a few simple voice commands, you can do everything from turning lights on in different rooms of your home to adjust the temperature on your thermostat to even turn on devices like security systems or home entertainment. Tech lovers will get a kick out of figuring out how they can even further expand their home automation, as newer ways of utilizing this technology are being released seemingly all the time.

For the Tinkerer/Virtuoso

Tinkerers and virtuosos love to experiment with and build things. In some cases, they’re often referred to as “makers,” and have a wide variety of hobbies that they become acutely focused on. One thing that these types of people often really enjoy doing is learning new skills, and for those who appreciate technical skills, they may appreciate learning more about how electricity works through a learning kit.

There are a ton of different types of educational electronic kits, including some designed for both kids and adults. Some are basic experimentation kits designed to teach about circuits and how various parts of an electrical system work, while others are designed for a specific purpose, such as building a system that powers an electric motor and controls it. The skills learned from these systems are the foundation for gaining even more skills, and before long someone who continues to learn might gain the ability to conduct more detailed repairs on their own home thanks to what they have learned!

For the Prepper

Preppers love to be ready for the unexpected, and that’s why they’re always looking for a newer and higher-tech way of being able to survive without their technology. After all, a high-tech appliance isn’t going to do you a lot of good if you have to plug it in during an outage. Or will it?

We recommend looking into a generator system for those into preparedness. Generators provide a limited but stable amount of electricity that can be utilized during an outage. They can even provide that power to your house if you set them up properly and connected them safely to your home. Portable generators are also popular because of their smaller size, and how easily they can be stored in a tool shed or a garage. With occasional maintenance, your home’s most important appliances will never be without power during an outage ever again!

If your electrical system experiences a problem this holiday season, make the right choice and get professional help from the experts at Lightning Bug Electric! Dial (404) 471-3847 today to schedule an appointment.