10 Tips to Help Avoid Electrical Problems in Your Home

10 Tips to Help Avoid Electrical Problems in Your Home 

Electrical problems are a common issue for homeowners. From flickering lights to broken switches, electrical issues can be both dangerous and costly to repair. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to prevent these types of problems from occurring in your home.  

Here are 10 important tips that will help you avoid electrical problems:  

1. Ensure proper wiring is used throughout your home. Electrical wires must meet code requirements in order to ensure they are safe and effective. Be sure all the wiring in your house is up-to-date and installed correctly by a licensed electrician.  

2. Regularly check your appliances - Appliances such as microwaves, washing machines, dryers and refrigerators should be inspected regularly for any signs of wear or tear on their cords or plugs which could lead to electrical issues.  

3. Test GFCI outlets every month - Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets protect people from electrocution from faulty wiring or defective appliances, which is why it’s important that they always work properly. It’s important to test them monthly using a voltage tester or multimeter.  

4. Don’t overload circuits - One of the most common causes of electrical fires is overloading circuits so be sure not to plug too many devices into one outlet or circuit. If you need more power, an electrician can install additional outlets or add new circuits. 

5. Protect your home from lightning - During a thunderstorm, unplug all electronics in your home and avoid using corded phones as lightning can easily travel through these objects and cause a dangerous electrical shock.  

6. Keep water away from outlets and appliances - Water and electricity do not mix! Be sure to keep any fluids away from outlets, cords, and appliances as wet areas are major conductors of electricity which could lead to serious injury or damage.  

7. Reduce energy consumption - Not only is reducing your energy consumption good for the environment, it’s also a great way to prevent electrical issues from occurring. Unplug appliances when not in use and replace any outdated fixtures with more energy-efficient models.  

8. Regularly inspect outdoor outlets - Outdoor outlets are exposed to the elements, leading to rusting, corrosion and other damage. A worn outdoor outlet poses a safety risk, so if you suspect yours is worn, having a qualified electrician check it is advised. Otherwise, these outlets should be examined at least once a year to ensure they are properly insulated and working correctly.  

9. Check cords regularly - Frayed, damaged or loose cords should be replaced immediately as they pose serious fire hazards.   

10. Invest in surge protectors - A power surge can cause damage to electrical appliances and electronic devices, so investing in a quality surge protector can provide additional protection against this damage. 

Contact the Professionals at Lighting Bug Electric

Following these simple tips will help keep you and your family safe while also preventing costly repairs from avoidable electrical issues. Remember, if you’re ever unsure about the integrity of the wiring in your home or have any questions regarding electricity safety, contact the professional electrician at Lighting Bug Electric for assistance. Call our electricians today at (404) 471-3847 to schedule an appointment.