Common Mistakes Homeowners Make with Their Lighting

A homeowner turning the lights off.

There are a lot of decisions that go into home ownership, and one of the most important is lighting. It's important to get it right because improper lighting can lead to decreased energy efficiency, higher electricity bills, and a lower quality of life. Your home’s lighting may not be something you’ve considered changing because you use it every day. However, making sure your home’s lighting system functions correctly is crucial for your daily life.

In this blog post, Lightning Bug Electric will discuss some of the most common mistakes homeowners make with their lighting. We'll provide tips on avoiding these mistakes, so you can enjoy better light in your home.

Leaving the Lights on in Unused Rooms

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make with their lighting is leaving the lights on in unused rooms. This is a waste of energy and money, and it's unnecessary! Leaving the lights on when you leave a room can quickly turn into a bad habit that will end up costing you. If you have a room that you don't use often, simply turn the light off when you leave. You should also make sure you shut off as many lights as possible before leaving your home. This will save you money on your electricity bill, and it will also help to prolong the life of your light bulbs.

Using the Wrong Light Bulbs

Another common mistake homeowners make is choosing the wrong light bulbs. There are many different light bulbs available on the market, and not all of them are created equal. It's important to choose the right type of bulb for your needs in order to enjoy better light while also saving money. LED bulbs are a great option for many homeowners, as they are energy-efficient and long-lasting. While LED lights might be more expensive up front, you will actually save money in the long run on your electricity bill. Plus, if you find yourself buying the wrong light bulbs and frequently paying to replace them, LEDs sound like the best option for you.

Choosing the Wrong Sized Fixtures

Another mistake that homeowners often make is choosing the wrong sized fixtures. This can lead to poor light distribution and an overall decrease in quality of life. It's important to choose fixtures that are the right size for your needs, so you can enjoy better light in your home.

Not Using Dimmer Switches

Finally, many homeowners don't use dimmer switches. Dimmer switches are a great way to save energy and money, as they allow you to control the amount of light that is used in a room. If you have a room that doesn't need a lot of light, simply turn the switch down to save energy. Dimmer switches are also a great way to create ambiance in a room, so don't be afraid to experiment with them!

Lighting Services in Marietta

At Lightning Bug Electric, we prioritize the comfort of our customers in their homes, and that includes making sure their lighting system is functioning properly. Whether you’re looking to make some energy efficient upgrades to your current lighting or want to modernize your lighting decor, you can count on our team for the job. If you aren’t sure what type of lighting system is for you, our team can help you every step of the way. All you have to do is give us a call at (404) 471-3847 or fill out our online contact form to speak with one of our team members.