4 Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bills This Summer


During the hot and humid summer months in Georgia, many homeowners and business owners dread the higher utility bills that come with the increased temperatures. However, there are several steps you can take to keep your energy bills low while still enjoying a comfortable indoor environment. Our Marietta electricians want you to be informed of ways you can save energy, particularly during the hot summer season.

In order to save energy this summer, you need to:

  1. Insulate your building. Proper insulation can help protect your home or business from extreme temperatures. One simple way to insulate your home is by using shutters, blinds, or drapes. When the air is cooler in the evening and morning, you may be able to open up the windows to let fresh air inside. However, when the sun comes up and the temperature rises, it is important to close your windows and shut the blinds or drapes. This will block the direct sunlight, helping your indoor environment stay cooler without running your air conditioner.
  2. Avoid using hot appliances. Using your oven can heat up your kitchen, which will cause the temperature to rise throughout your home. This will make your air conditioner work harder to keep you cool, driving up your energy bills. During the hot summer months, it is best to avoid using heat-producing appliances, and to use a microwave instead.
  3. Use a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats can help you save energy without compromising your comfort. You will be able to set the desired temperature for different times of the day, and you may also be able to change the settings remotely from a smartphone. By turning the thermostat off while you are on vacation or at work, you can lower your energy bills each month.
  4. Install a ceiling fan. Ceiling fans do not generate cold air. However, they produce a wind chill effect that can help keep you comfortable without using your air conditioner. In addition, it is estimated that using a ceiling fan can allow you to raise the thermostat settings by 4 degrees Fahrenheit without sacrificing your comfort.

Call Lightning Bug Electric Today at (404) 471-3847 for Energy Saving Solutions!

At Lightning Bug Electric, we are passionate about providing the best possible services and products to our customers. As summer kicks into high gear, our team can install a ceiling fan, inspect your wiring for any issues, and discuss your options for saving energy. We have more than 25 years of professional experience, and are committed to your satisfaction.

Contact us today to learn more, or schedule a service with one of our knowledgeable Marietta electricians.

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