Does My Home Office Need a Dedicated Computer Circuit?

Home Office

It’s no secret that more Americans are working from home than ever these days. With the country slowly recovering from the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, many people have not returned to the office yet, and many others never will. If there is one good thing to come out of the insanity of the last year and a half, perhaps it is that American workers now have more flexibility around their jobs. Working from home comes with a ton of benefits, like no commute time, greater autonomy, and more hours to spend with the family. And with reduced need for actual office space, many U.S. companies are saving money thanks to this cultural shift, too.

Of course, there are some things that you get from working in the office that you just can’t get at home. Obviously, face-to-face communication for starters, and all that family time can be a double-edged sword when you’re looking for privacy. Most importantly, however, may be the matter of power. Having a home office is a great way to stay productive, but you can only remain productive if you have a reliable power source. Our suggestion: consider installing a dedicated computer circuit. Keep reading if you have ever wondered whether your home office needs a dedicated computer circuit, and remember that for all the residential electrical services you need, you can count on Lightning Bug Electric.

The Top 5 Reasons to Install a Dedicated Computer Circuit for Your Home Office

  1. Equipment Protection: While a single computer is one thing, a full office may be too much to set up with your home’s current wiring. Keep in mind you’re probably going to want a computer or two, a printer, a phone, and possibly other electronic equipment. These devices can be sensitive, and if your house experiences a sudden power surge or outage, they could get damaged, and you could end up losing valuable data. Fortunately, you can help prevent this by installing a computer circuit that’s dedicated solely to your home office.
  2. Consistent Power: In the modern world, we use more power than ever. That’s why if your house is more than ten years old, you’re probably already putting a lot of pressure on your electrical panel. For your office to receive the power it needs for its outlets, lighting fixtures, and any other receptacles, you may want to put in a dedicated circuit. This will help ensure you do not overload the circuit that is currently connected to your office. If the lights in your office are flickering or the circuit that brings power to your office has tripped more than once, call an electrician to learn more about installing a dedicated computer circuit today.
  3. Increased Productivity: No one wants to have to deal with a circuit that trips all the time. By installing a dedicated office for your home computer and office set-up, you will be ensuring that you don’t have to take away from your busy schedule by constantly resetting circuit breakers or calling to get electrical issues fixed. Speaking which…
  4. Greater Savings: Lightning Bug Electric is equally committed to helping you save time and money. That’s why we recommend installing a dedicated computer circuit—so you can spend more time doing your work and less time calling us. While the cost of installing a new circuit can be significant upfront, it’s better than having to call an electrician repeatedly to figure out why your breaker is always tripping. Moreover, having to replace valuable equipment or recover essential data is a steep expense you do not want to have to pay unless it is absolutely necessary. By ensuring that your home office always has enough power, you can rest easy knowing that you will not have to drop a ton of money to fix a potentially costly issue.
  5. Safety for the Whole Household: The more power you draw in your home, the greater the chance there is that your electrical system will become overloaded. While modern electrical safety equipment usually does a great job at preventing things like fires and shocks from happening, it is still nice to know that you are your family are completely protected. Installing a dedicated home office circuit will help balance out power usage in your home, so even when everyone is using their electrical devices at once, your panel is not going to malfunction. For even greater protection, you may also what to install a whole-house surge protector, or even upgrade to a new panel entirely.

For more information on how a dedicated computer circuit can benefit your home office, call (404) 471-3847, or click here to contact us online.